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  • From nothing

    From nothing

    “From Nothing” by Ian Pribyl is a motivational and practical guide that empowers readers to start their own successful online business from scratch. Drawing from his personal experiences and expertise, Pribyl offers a step-by-step roadmap for aspiring entrepreneurs to turn their passion into profit and create a sustainable online business. The book begins by debunking common myths and misconceptions surrounding entrepreneurship, highlighting the idea that anyone can start a successful online business with the right mindset, determination, and strategic approach. Pribyl emphasizes the importance of…

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  • shark tales

    shark tales

    “Shark Tales: How I Turned $1,000 into a Billion Dollar Business” is an inspiring memoir by Barbara Corcoran, one of the most successful entrepreneurs and investors in the real estate industry. In this book, Corcoran shares her personal journey from a humble upbringing to building a billion-dollar business empire. With wit, humor, and practical wisdom, she offers valuable lessons and insights for aspiring entrepreneurs. Corcoran begins by recounting her early years, growing up in a working-class family in New Jersey. She describes her struggles in…

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