Selling the intangible

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Selling the intangible

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   9 Min   12:40 Min


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Selling the intangible

Introduction: Understanding Intangible Products

Kothand begins by defining what intangible products are and explaining why selling them requires a different approach compared to physical goods. Intangible products, unlike tangible goods, cannot be touched, seen, or stored physically. They encompass a wide range of offerings, including services like consulting, coaching, and freelancing, as well as digital products such as e-books, online courses, software, and memberships.

The core challenge in selling these products lies in their intangibility. Customers cannot physically experience intangible products before purchasing, making it difficult for them to evaluate the product’s quality and benefits. This lack of physical interaction often leads to skepticism and hesitation, as customers may doubt the value and effectiveness of something they cannot see or touch.

Kothand highlights that intangible products often provide value in ways that are not immediately visible. For example, the value of a coaching session lies in the knowledge, insights, and guidance provided by the coach, leading to personal or professional growth for the client. Similarly, the value of an online course is in the education and skills imparted, which may lead to career advancement or personal enrichment.

To overcome these challenges, Kothand emphasizes the importance of creating perceived value and building trust and credibility. Marketers must clearly communicate the benefits and outcomes that customers can expect from the product, focusing on the transformation it will bring about in the customer’s life.

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