crushing youtube


In “Crushing YouTube,” Joseph Hogue offers a comprehensive guide for anyone aspiring to create a successful YouTube channel and monetize their content. Drawing from his extensive experience in the finance industry and his own thriving YouTube ventures, Hogue shares valuable insights and practical advice.

Whether you’re a beginner or seeking to enhance your existing channel, this book provides actionable strategies to help you navigate the dynamic world of YouTube. From finding your niche to optimizing your videos, Hogue’s expertise will empower you to turn your passion into a viable business.

Key Takeaways:

Creative Confidence: Hogue emphasizes that anyone can succeed on YouTube by tapping into their creative potential. It’s not too late to start, and he dispels myths about growth limitations.

Monetization Strategies: Learn how to generate income through ads, sponsorships, affiliates, and your own products.

Technical Know-How: Discover practical tips for setting up your channel, creating high-quality videos, and leveraging analytics.

Audience Building: Understand your viewers, engage with them, and build a loyal community.

Actionable Steps: Hogue provides a roadmap for turning your YouTube passion into a thriving business.

Finding Your Niche

Selecting the right niche for your YouTube channel is a critical step toward success. It’s like choosing the foundation for your content house. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you identify your unique niche within the vast YouTube landscape:

Understand Your Passions and Interests

Start by introspecting. What topics genuinely ignite your enthusiasm? Consider your hobbies, skills, and areas where you have expertise. Your passion will fuel your content creation journey.

Identify Popular Niches on YouTube

Explore existing YouTube channels and videos. Look for niches that resonate with you. Some popular niches include:

Beauty and Makeup




Health and Fitness


Know Your Target Audience and Their Needs

Who are you creating content for? Define your audience demographics and understand their pain points. Tailor your content to address their specific needs.

Research Your Niche

Dig deeper into your chosen niche:

Conduct Keyword Research: Use tools like Google Keyword Planner to find relevant keywords related to your niche.

Evaluate the Competition: Analyze other channels in your niche. What are they doing well? What gaps can you fill?

Assess Monetization Potential: Consider how you can monetize your content within this niche.

Refine Your Niche

Don’t be afraid to refine your niche further:

Niche Combinations: Combine related niches to create a unique angle.

Focusing on a Sub-Niche: Dive deeper into a specific aspect of your niche.

Differentiate Yourself: Find your unique selling proposition within a crowded niche.

Why Choosing the Right Niche Matters

Benefits of Finding Your Channel Niche

Audience Resonance: A well-defined niche attracts viewers who resonate with your content.

Loyal Following: Focusing on one niche builds a loyal audience.

Monetization Opportunities: Monetize effectively by catering to a specific audience.

Risks of Not Choosing a Niche

Lack of Engagement: Without a niche, your content may not resonate.

Monetization Challenges: Brands prefer clear audience alignment.

Visibility: Algorithms favor niche-focused channels.

Remember, your niche is your compass. It guides your content creation, helps you stand out, and ensures long-term viability. So, find your passion, research thoroughly, and carve your unique space in the YouTube universe!

Crafting Engaging Content

Creating captivating videos on YouTube requires a thoughtful approach. Here are strategies to keep your viewers hooked:

Understand Your Audience

Before diving into content creation, know your audience. Who are they? What interests them? Tailor your content to their specific needs and preferences. Authenticity matters—be genuine and let your personality shine through.

Inform and Educate

Engage your viewers by providing valuable information. Share insights, tips, and educational content related to your niche. People appreciate content that adds value to their lives.

Visual Appeal

High-quality visuals are essential. Use eye-catching images and videos. Invest time in editing and enhancing your visuals. Remember, the first impression matters!


Consistency is key to building an audience. Regularly post content that aligns with your niche. Engage with your viewers by responding to comments and messages promptly.

Craft Compelling Stories

Storytelling is a powerful tool. Weave narratives that resonate with your audience. Whether it’s a personal journey, a case study, or a relatable experience, stories create emotional connections.

Effective Calls-to-Action (CTAs)

Guide your viewers on what to do next. Encourage them to subscribe, like, comment, or visit your website. CTAs drive engagement and help build a loyal community.

Collaborate and Partner

Team up with other creators or influencers. Collaborations introduce your channel to new audiences. Choose partners whose content aligns with yours.

Optimize for Search

Use relevant keywords in your video titles, descriptions, and tags. Optimize your content for search engines to improve discoverability.

Analyze and Adapt

Regularly review your analytics. Understand which videos perform well and why. Adapt your content strategy based on viewer behavior.

Remember, crafting engaging content is an ongoing process. Experiment, learn, and evolve. Joseph Hogue’s book, “Crushing YouTube,” provides further insights to help you succeed on this exciting platform

Technical Aspects and Monetization

Setting Up Your Channel

Channel Optimization: Create a compelling channel name, banner, and profile picture. Craft an engaging channel description that clearly communicates your content niche.

Video Uploads: Learn how to upload videos, add titles, descriptions, and tags. Optimize your video thumbnails to attract clicks.

Customize Playlists: Organize your content into playlists. This helps viewers discover related videos and keeps them engaged.

Producing High-Quality Videos

Equipment: Invest in decent recording equipment, including cameras, microphones, and lighting. High-quality visuals and clear audio enhance viewer experience.

Editing Skills: Learn basic video editing techniques. Trim, add transitions, and overlay text or graphics to make your videos visually appealing.

Consistency: Regularly upload content. Consistency builds audience trust and keeps viewers coming back.

Leveraging Analytics

YouTube Studio: Dive into YouTube Studio to analyze your video performance. Understand metrics like watch time, audience retention, and click-through rates.

Audience Insights: Use analytics to understand your audience demographics, their interests, and when they’re most active.

Content Performance: Identify which videos perform well and why. Adjust your content strategy accordingly.

Monetization Methods

Advertising Revenue

Enable ads on your videos. YouTube displays ads before, during, or after your content. You earn a share of the revenue generated from these ads.

Channel Memberships

Offer exclusive perks to your subscribers through channel memberships. Subscribers pay a monthly fee to access special content and benefits.

Super Chat & Super Stickers

During live streams, viewers can pay to have their messages highlighted or send animated stickers. This boosts engagement and monetization.

YouTube Premium Revenue

Get a portion of the subscription fee paid by YouTube Premium subscribers who watch your content.

Sponsored Content and Brand Deals

Collaborate with brands for sponsored videos. Ensure transparency and authenticity when promoting products or services.

Merchandise Shelf

Sell your own merchandise directly on your channel. Showcase products below your videos.

YouTube Shorts Fund

If you create engaging Shorts, you may qualify for the Shorts Fund, which rewards creators based on Shorts’ performance.

Remember, successful monetization requires a combination of technical know-how, engaging content, and understanding your audience. Joseph Hogue’s book, “Crushing YouTube,” provides further insights into maximizing your YouTube journey.

Audience Building and Promotion

Understand Your Audience

Building a loyal YouTube audience begins with understanding their needs and interests. Here’s how you can foster viewer loyalty:

Create Valuable Content: Make sure your videos provide real value to your audience. Address their pain points, answer their questions, and offer solutions. When viewers find your content helpful, they’ll keep coming back.

Consistency Matters: Regularly upload content that aligns with your niche. Consistency builds trust and keeps viewers engaged.

Collaborate with Fellow YouTubers

Team Up: Collaborate with other creators in your niche. Cross-promote each other’s channels. This introduces your content to new audiences and strengthens your community.

Joint Projects: Consider joint projects, challenges, or even guest appearances. Collaborations create excitement and attract viewers from both channels.

Effective Promotion Strategies

Leverage Social Media: Share your videos across various social media platforms. Engage with your audience, respond to comments, and encourage sharing.

Custom Thumbnails: Create eye-catching custom thumbnails for your videos. A compelling thumbnail can significantly boost click-through rates.

Community Engagement: Participate in YouTube communities, forums, and groups related to your niche. Be active, share your expertise, and connect with potential viewers.

Email Newsletter: Use your email list to promote new videos. Offer early access or exclusive content to subscribers.

Influencer Marketing: Partner with influencers or brands relevant to your content. Their endorsement can introduce your channel to a wider audience.

Optimize Your Channel

SEO: Use relevant keywords in your video titles, descriptions, and tags. Optimize your content for search engines to improve discoverability.

Playlists: Organize your videos into playlists. This encourages viewers to watch more of your content.

Monitor Analytics

YouTube Studio: Regularly review your analytics. Understand which videos perform well, audience demographics, and watch time. Adapt your strategy accordingly.

Remember, building an audience takes time and effort. Stay authentic, engage with your viewers, and consistently deliver valuable content. Joseph Hogue’s book, “Crushing YouTube,” provides further insights to help you thrive on this platform.

In summary, “Crushing YouTube” equips readers with practical tools, real-world examples, and actionable advice to turn their passion for video content into a thriving YouTube business.